Rest In Peace
All my prayers and thoughts are with you all and you will always be remembered and loved.
Cast all your fears aside, for you are finally freed from the earthly mortal pain
and I believe you will find your way to the path onto the outstretched warm reaching hands of God.
May everyone take comfort in knowing that on so many levels your hearts and influence live on for you have touched so many lives directly and indirectly.
I will keep a picture of you in me.
For always.
to show my utmost and heartfelt gratitude howsoever it ought to be an endless one.
Thank you for being there for me
Thank you for guiding me to all that is right
Thank you for bringing me up
Thank you for I was held in your arms
Thank you for being there for my mom and my family
Thank you for being there for my brother
Thank you for being there to ensure my mom is safe when her child was bore that was me
Thank you for takin that cab and goin the extra mile to reach out for her and just to see myself enter onto this world safely and healthy
Thank you for showing me the way to everythin else
Thank you for makin me laugh
Thank you for I was spoonfed by you
Thank you for letting me sleep under your delicate care and in your arms
Thank you for changing my life
Thank you for tryin to give the world to anyone you have always loved
Thank you for wearing your heart out on your sleeve for us all
Thank you for being my sole and only true grandparent
Thank you for making my Chinese New Years merrier and filled with love and care
Thank you for having me looking forward to special festive occasions each and every year
Thank you for all the wrong that you made right
Thank you for keepin the family together
Thank you for not forsaking anythin everythin that is good
Thank you for embracing and enduring all the challenges that came your family's way
Thank you for being my inspiration
Thank you for makin me believe
Thank you for being one of the best that I will ever have had in my life and I just know it.
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being just you
Yet ultimately
I am sorry
Sorry for not being able to be there to hold you and keep you warm and shield you from the cold of rain and the feeling of fear
and most of all,
Sorry for not being by your side during the last minutes of your time.
" I did not see the thief that lived inside of your head, but I know could've been some courage at the side of your bed"
I will try to stay strong
I will keep the tears fallin but behind my eyes
for as long as I could.
eventhough I may not be ready for tomorrow
Like sand on my feet, like the smell of sweet perfume
You will be etched into my memories forever
I know you will always be up there
Lookin out for me.
Watching over us.
Leave me here with your light.
As I continue to grow.
nuhc rak hoh, apnarg, manarg
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